Missouri Sentencing Mitigation Reports and Private Pre-sentence Investigations

Sentencing mitigation reports designed to help criminal defense attorneys get better outcomes for their clients.

ABA Standards for Criminal Justice, The Defense Function §8.3(a)

“Defense counsel should also consider whether consultation with an expert specializing in sentencing options or other sentencing issues is appropriate….”

Sentencing Mitigation: the KEY to Better Outcomes

About five percent of criminal cases go to trial. Of the cases that do, the majority result in guilty verdicts. Although having an experienced trial attorney is crucial for the cases that go to trial, every defendant needs a criminal defense attorney who understands that sentencing mitigation is the key to better outcomes for their clients.

Sentencing mitigation identifies issues and collects evidence that could lead to a more favorable outcome in the client’s case. This is not about helping the client avoid consequences. Instead, sentencing mitigation allows an attorney to advocate for the right consequences, taking into consideration the client’s history and characteristics.

missouri Sentencing Mitigation Reports

I offer the following evidence-based sentencing mitigation reports. Each includes screening tools for trauma, mental health, substance abuse, and other criminogenic and responsivity needs. Furthermore, I provide a sentencing mitigation workbook that includes guidelines and templates for collecting character reference letters and other important documents.

Misdemeanor/Municipal DWI

Early Sentencing Triage

Felony/Serious Misdemeanor PSI

Important Notes About Screening Tools

ABA Standards for Criminal Justice, The Defense Function §8.3(c)

“Defense counsel should present all arguments or evidence which will assist the court … in reaching a sentencing disposition favorable to the accused….”

The Science of Sentencing Mitigation

My sentencing mitigation reports tell a defendant’s story through the lens of science, using the evidence-based fields of Criminology, Clinical Psychology, Positive Psychology, Narrative Psychology, and Sociology.

By using science to provide structure and direction, I can tell a defendant’s story in evidence-based categories that are relevant to sentencing and disposition. Furthermore, I can provide specific recommendations for further evaluation or intervention that can be incorporated into the client’s conditions of probation.


The Science of Recidivism

Over twenty years of research in criminology shows that certain risk factors often found in an antisocial lifestyle directly increase the probability a person will commit a crime. In fact, the more risk factors present, the greater the likelihood of future criminal behavior. However, many of these risk factors can be addressed through treatment or other interventions, reducing the overall risk to reoffend. 

Clinical Psychology focuses on identifying and addressing mental health disorders and behavioral disorders. It differs from psychiatry in that clinical psychologists focus more on psychological assessment with treatment primarily through therapy. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who can prescribe medications to treat disorders. 

Clinical Psychology:

The Science of What's Broken

Positive Psychology:

The Science of Happiness

Positive Psychology is the evidence-based study of happiness and human flourishing. Rather than focusing on disorders and diagnoses, it focuses on what gives life meaning. Dr. Martin Seligman, a pioneer in the field, defines flourishing using the acronym PERMA. It is a combination of Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. Find out more here: The PERMA Model: Your Scientific Theory of Happiness.

Narrative Psychology is a branch of psychology that researches how stories and storytelling give meaning to people’s lives. Life is a story, and how we narrate our own stories shapes how we remember the past, how we live the present, and how we imagine the future. We define ourselves through our stories, but research shows that this internal narrative can be changed.

Narrative Psychology:

The Science of Life Stories


The Science of Society

Sociology is the evidence-based study of society, social relationships, and social change. Stories form societies and people. “Stories are powerful. The stories we believe—whether true or false—shape our entire lives, telling us who we are, who we were, and who we are becoming.” (Becoming Whole, Fikkert & Kapic). By pursuing one’s story of change, behavior is habituated and forms one’s character. Therefore, to change behavior, we must address the underlying story of change.

ABA Standards for Criminal Justice, The Defense Function §8.3(d)

“Defense counsel should gather and submit to the presentence officers, prosecution, and court as much mitigating information relevant to sentencing as reasonably possible ….”

Qualifications in Sentencing Mitigation

Souder Tate - Missouri Sentencing Mitigation - Presentence Investigation Reports

My name is Souder Tate, owner of EPIC Sentencing Solutions LLC. I am a criminal defense attorney and sentencing advocate in Springfield MO helping passionate about helping defendants get better outcomes in their criminal cases.

I have been an attorney for 38 years, including four as a prosecutor. Furthermore, Since 2009, I have served on Missouri treatment courts and helped train drug courts in other states. I am certified on the LS/CMI, SASSI, and AUDIT and use screening tools to to provide structure to the defendant’s story. 

understand evidence-based sentencing and the need for screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment among people charged with crimes. 

Missouri Sentencing Mitigation Blog

My sentencing mitigation report tells a defendant’s story through the lens of science, using the evidence-based fields of Criminology, Clinical Psychology, Positive Psychology, Narrative Psychology, and Sociology.

By using science to provide structure and direction, I can tell a defendant’s story in evidence-based categories that are relevant to sentencing and disposition. Furthermore, I can provide specific recommendations for further evaluation or intervention that can be incorporated into the client’s conditions of probation.


For any inquiries please email


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(417) 831-3742


First, the information on this website is for general information purposes only. On the contrary, any information provided here is not intended as legal advice for any individual case or situation. Moreover, no case is exactly the same, and case results vary based on individual circumstances. Furthermore, the information provided on my site is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. Also, please understand that receipt or viewing of any information on this site does not create an attorney-client relationship. 

Second, neither the Supreme Court of Missouri nor the Missouri Bar reviews or approves certifying organizations or specialist designations.

Third, the choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.