The EPIC Way Blog

A sentencing mitigation blog about how to use the science of offender risk and needs assessment as the framework for telling a client's life-story in order to get a more favorable disposition in their criminal case.

Welcome to my Sentencing Mitigation Blog

Criminal defense attorneys can combine principles from the science of offender risk and needs assessment (Criminology) and from the science of human flourishing (Positive Psychology) to give clients an evidence-based framework for living prosocial, anti-criminal lives. Moreover, when their clients address criminogenic needs and barriers to treatment using cognitive behavioral interventions and their own signature character strengths, the result is a powerful and persuasive argument lawyers can use for better outcomes with less severe consequences. 


Sentencing Mitigation Category: Positive Psychology

Missouri Sentencing Mitigation and the Science of Happiness
Character and Virtue

Positive Psychology, Character, and Motivation

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing and how our character strengths and virtues contribute to our individual happiness and well-being as well

"Defense counsel should also consider whether consultation with an expert specializing in sentencing options or other sentencing issues is appropriate."

(ABA Standards for Criminal Justice, The Defense Function §8.3)


My sentencing mitigation reports help criminal defense attorneys get better outcomes for their clients from plea negotiations or at sentencing.

Souder Tate - Missouri Sentencing Mitigation - Presentence Investigation Reports